Why am I describing the beginning of a long, hot summer in Virginia? Because it reminded me of being in Ghana. The smell, the weight of the air, brought me right back to Sefwi Bekwai. It made me yearn for the ability to bottle up the smells of Ghana to bring back for the students. Maybe, just maybe, that would help me portray what it was like to be in Ghana a little bit better for my students.
That is what I have been struggling with since my return- how do I convey my experience to my students? How do I deliver my experience in Ghana to the students so that all of their senses are stimulated, enabling them to truly understand what it was like to be there?
Any teacher who travels struggles with this. If we didn't, there would not be programs, fellowships, and classes offered to instruct us on how to bring our worldly experiences back to the classroom.
Here are some suggestions to bring your travel experiences to kids:
- "History in a Box"- Gather "artifacts" from your trip that students.can interact with. This can vary based on subject and grade level. My IB Seniors may have very different artifacts from a middle school humanities course. One suggestion would be to gather money- kids love that. Gather dirts samples if you are a science teacher so acidity can be tested. Bring home clothing or flags. And always bring home lots of pictures and videos.
- Make connections with other teachers wherever you travel. This way you can set up a virtual connection between your classrooms. You can lesson share, Skype, or work on joint projects (the power of the internet!).
- Food! Gather recipes and samples of food whenever you get the chance. Kids love to see what other people eat. Better yet, they love to try it. Bring home little candies, have a day where you cook some food. There are all sorts of valuable lessons that can be derived from food.
- Finally, take pictures of toilets. Kids ALWAYS ask what bathrooms are like, especially when you travel somewhere exotic.
Hopefully some of these suggestions will be helpful! Please feel free to add comments about what you have done to make your travel more accessible to your students.